C.J. Chueca (born in Lima, 1977) moved to New York in 2003. Her history as a perpetual immigrant has lead her to explore the concepts of home, territory, transition, multiculturality, uprooting and solitude.

 Eleanor Heartney writes in her essay: ““Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”: C.J. Chueca creates walls that neither contain nor separate. Instead, they provide insight into the complex ways that walls operate in our lives."

This year, C.J. Chueca participated in "A Very Anxious Feeling: Voices of Unrest in the American Experience; 20 Years of the Beth Rudin DeWoody Collection" curated by Amethyst Rey Beaver and Eva Thornton at the Taubman Museum of Art; “XX (6 female Latinx artists working in abstraction)” at LatchKey Gallery in New York; ¨Landmark¨ at KM0.2 in San Juan de Puerto Rico; and Art Souterrain in Montreal with a commissioned installation curated by Dulce Pinzón at Palais des Congres. She was the July art resident at Silo6776 with Kates-Ferri Projects in New Hope, Pa. She is currently part of "Hay algo incomestible en la garganta. Poéticas antipatriarcales y nueva escena en los años noventa" curated by Miguel López at ICPNA-Lima.

She presented last year: “The Force of Water” with Latchkey Gallery at the Core Club NYC. In 2019 she had the solo show “Somos La Noche y El Día” at Vigil Gonzales Galería; and was part of “Crónicas Migrantes, Historias communes entre Perú y Venezuela” curated by Fabiola Arroyo at MAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima. In 2018 she had the solo shows: "I am the river behind the wall" at Mulherin Gallery in Toronto; and "Dos Cielos Azules/Two Blue Skies" at ICPNA Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano for which she recently released a monograph in collaboration with Meier Ramirez and VM& Studio.


Body #5 (N.Y.). 2015
Ceramic tiles and acrylic on wood
28 x 46 in

Angie after, 2015
13.5 x 13 x 6.5 in

Pale Body, 2016
Ceramic tiles on wood
41.5 x 40 x 3.5 in

Waterfall (after crying), 2015
Acrylic, gouache, varnish, ceramic tiles over wood
31 x 20 x 2 in



LatchKey Gallery | 173 Henry Street | info@latchkeygallery.com | 646.213.9070